Research & Development

Key features:

  • Relatively low investment
  • Positive forecast on return investment
  • Uniqueness in the market
  • Relatively low risk
  • Timeliness of results


Our way of improving business:

  • Having a process – having clear process it communicates to the client how the company works and how the designated project will be executed. Giving in-depth overview of the project cycle, from the start to finish.
  • Managing accordingly clients expectations - clients are hiring MERAS to expertise and solve their problems. MERAS builds on the client’s visions and makes it better, but not letting the client to run the project. The company aim is to deliver an extraordinary to hiring client.
  • Gathering all feed-back internally and externally – Listening to and filtering the constructive feed-back is key to improve business.
  • Using project management tools properly and consistently - implementing a one channel communication between the company and costumer for a proper communication avoiding unnecessary e-mails or phone calls.
  • Updating Website and Media Platforms with success stories and achievements - this is the companies mirror to the audience. Making it right it can increase business and could help the development of the business.